Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The song LOVE STORY by Taylor Swift is one of my favorites. I've been listening to it a couple times a day for the past months. And today, I found this Jon Schmidt piano and cello version of it from one of my friend's FB profile. I LOVE IT so much and can't stop playing it. Here it is...hope you all like it too.

...Romeo's Version

...Original Version

Monday, October 26, 2009


Finally..after 3 months.. I got the time to write on this blog. As busy life gets in the way and I really apologize for not keeping this updated. I got the chance to read your blogs and I'm glad that you're all doing great.

Anyways..Jamie and I are doin' good. I'm keeping myself busy with my job..actually..JOBS.. while he's working on finishing his Degree. He's graduating this December and soon...we'll be out of Laie and will be living in town before he starts going to Grad School. Also.. we'll be in the Philippines for a month in December to January so we're really looking forward to being with our family and friends there. We just can't wait. We're really excited for the new life ahead of us but sad at the same time. we have to move on..that's just how it's supposed to be.

Just wna let you all know that we miss all of you and we are so thrilled to read about everything that's been happening in your lives. WE LOVE YOU!! keep us updated!

much alohaz,