Thursday, June 18, 2009


I just got done talking with my mom on the phone and she told me a funny story about the youngest in our family..COLLETTE. sister Collette is 7 yrs old and just finished Kindergarten. She graduated with honors and we very proud of her. She just started attending grade school and on her FIRST DAY ...since she wasn't used to staying in school till 5 PM and not having a nap time..she FELL ASLEEP in CLASS!!! hahaha. poor collette. I'm sure in time she'll get used to it. WE MISS HER A LOT!! we love you collette!!


Unknown said...

I had a hard time going to school for a full day too. Your little sister is cute.

Josh, Hayley, and Baby Channing said...

Poor thing!!! That is so sweet and funny! I think I would knock out to! Miss you Ckaz!!