Tuesday, May 4, 2010

-Wayne's Day!-

WAYNE is 22!!!

This past weekend we celebrated my brother Wayne's bday. He just turned 22 this past May 2. We are sooo getting old. Anyways..he told us that he just wanted to come to town and spend the weekend with Jamie and I. He prefers having it that way than having a party. So..we did what he requested. We planned a couple things we could do that Saturday and we all had fun.

First, we went to BISHOP MUSEUM..:) Jamie and I have been there before but this was Wayne's first time. The featured exhibit was about the CIRCUS so we were able to try some stunts, tricks and even play dress-up.

Then..we ate dinner @ MAX, a Filipino Restaurant. We had Crispy Pata, Kare-Kare and Bistek. It was really yummy!!!

Wayne talking to Mama and Papa.

The next day we took him to Stake Conference with us. Later that day drove him back to Laie..and his friends surprised him with a birthday dinner. :)

Hope you had fun WAYNE!!

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